Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Class Dojo

Class Dojo has been around for several years, but I've been hearing teachers at my school talking about it lately.  I thought this would be a great time to formally introduce it here on Tech Tuesday.

Class Dojo is an online classroom management system.  There's an app for that - for iOS as well as Android - but it's also web based, so you can use your computer if you don't have a device.  This makes it relevant to EVERYONE.  And, it's FREE!  It does seem kind of elementary, as the avatars are little monsters and very cartoonish, but it is still very well received by older students

Its biggest asset is that it directly involves the parents/families.  They are given a code (either by invitation or they can sign up themselves with the .pdf printable) to gain access.  Parents can review their child's points (feedback) in real time - there's a time stamp so parents can see exactly when their darling is behaving, or misbehaving!  You can also use Class Dojo like a blog and share pictures and class updates on their feature called "Class Story".  Finally, they can read/reply to Instant Messages from the teacher!

The behaviors are fully customizable.  You can align it with your class rules or your school's rules, or whatever behaviors you want to reinforce (or diminish).  You can include positive behaviors like Cooperation or Participation, etc. and negative behaviors such as Talking During Instruction or No Homework, etc. 
 It's important to make the points they earn relevant.  At our school we use "Bulldog Bucks" - I plan on letting them cash in their points for Bucks.  At the elementary school level, I'd have a reward system in place where they can use their points to buy rewards like Lunch with the Teacher or even tangibles like erasers or stickers or fancy pencils, etc.  It's really entirely up to you, but if you want student buy-in, it's important to make it relevant. (FYI - if you google "Class Dojo Printables" you will find a LOT of resources!  Check out Teachers Pay Teachers as well.)

Class Dojo lets you print out reports per student or by class, by behavior or skill.  You use it to track attendance, too.  It has a random feature so you can call on students... well, randomly!  Teachers can even broadcast messages to all connected parents through the instant messaging feature.  You can share students with other teachers so they can also contribute to their points.  I personally think this would be a great way to track data for our special education population.  Another great feature is their 24/7 support!


How do you sign up?  It's SO easy:
Go  to www.classdojo.com and sign up with their step by step directions.
You can add students to your class by copy/pasting from Word or Excel - or one at a time.
Customize the behaviors or skills you want to track.
Once you're set up, print out the parent invitations and distribute them, or invite parents via email.
When you're ready for class, just bring up Class Dojo on your device, desktop computer or Smartboard (projector) and start tracking behavior by awarding or deducting points.  Since you can do this on your device, you can give or take away points away from the classroom, such as in the hallway or cafeteria, or even on field trips!  

Parents can opt for notifications so they know when their child is being praised or losing points for misbehavior in REAL TIME.  Think about that - how powerful!!!

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