Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Do you love playing Kahoot with your classes?  Well you're going to LOVE Quizziz!  It's similar to Kahoot, but you are given a choice between playing it live or assigning it for homework!  Each response is followed by a funny meme.  They love it!  A major difference that I appreciate is that it's student paced.  You don't have to wait for the entire class to respond to a question to move on.  As a student answers a question, they move on to the next one right away.  This is great for students who may not work well under the pressure of a timer.

Just like Kahoot, you can search for pre-made quizzes by category, OR you can create your own.  They're very easy to create from scratch.  What I really appreciate is that I can duplicate a pre-made quiz, and then edit to make it exactly what I need.  

When you log in to the site, you are taken to a main page.  It contains 4 tabs across the top:  Public, My Quizizz, Create and My Reports. 

Public contains all the public Quizizzes that you can search through to duplicate and use.  You can search by category or by "All".  You will also see the option here to Create your own quiz.

My Quizizz page contains all the Quizizzes that you create or duplicate.  When you select the one you want to use, you are given several options.  You can immediately play Live or assign for Homework.  You also have the option to duplicate, edit or delete.  Below this you have Question settings.  You can choose to jumble the questions and/or answers.  You can choose to show answers after each question and you can show all questions at the end of the quiz.  There are game settings as well.  You can choose to include a Leaderboard, Question timer which awards more points the faster you answer, include memes after responses and play music during the game.

Create is where you can create your own Quizizzes from scratch.  You can add a picture to your Quizizz title, add an image to your questions, change the ink color, use subscript and postscript, change the language and opt out of memes if you'd like.  Another feature that sets it apart from Kahoot is that it gives you the option of using math and other symbols.  This is AWESOME!!! The questions must be multiple choice, with at least 2 options, and you indicate which is the correct answer.  When you're done, you have to select the grade, subject and topic.  Another unique feature is that you can add tags to your Quizizz, and opt to make it public or private.  At the top of the page is a Tutorial you can view if you need it, although it's fairly self explanatory.  

Finally, My Reports is the page that gives you student scores. 

You can view scores based on question responses, or by student.  The students are listed in order by their scores. 

Either way, you are given the overall % accuracy, # of questions and # of players.  I also like that you can expand

the individual players to see exactly which ones they got right/wrong.

Overall, this is an excellent way to assign homework and make it fun for our students.  What I've come to love is that my students will take the quiz over and over again to try to improve their score.  Instead of doing 10 problems at night, they're seeing them 20-30-40 times!  This also makes an easy way to grade homework - I don't have to bring home stacks of paper, and they don't have to worry about losing it.  It truly is a win-win for teachers and students.  

If you want to see what a homework session looks like, you can log in to join.quizizz.com and use the code 03849.  This will be open until March 8.  The topic is integers.  :)

Get started by creating your own FREE account at www.quizizz.com/signup.  Enjoy!

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