Thursday, August 27, 2015

Tech Tuesdays: REMIND

I am so excited for another school year!  It may not come as a surprise to you, but I am VERY passionate about using technology in the classroom, and sharing my experiences with other teachers.  I will be blogging each week (on Tuesdays after this) about a different app or technology that I use in my classroom in the hopes that you will be inspired to use it, too!

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to introduce REMIND.  I've used this for years and have found it to be a very powerful tool in supporting both students and parents!

So what is REMIND?  Remind is a free, safe, easy-to-use communication tool that helps teachers connect instantly with students and parents.  Teachers can sign up in seconds. Use Remind to send quick Announcements to the entire class.  Phone numbers are always kept private so information is safe and secure. Teachers, students, and parents have easy access to their message history.  Save time by sending or scheduling Announcements directly to students’ and parents’ phones. Get instant feedback from your class with Stamps.  Any teacher, student and parent can start using Remind today, for FREE, on any device. No commitments or classroom changes required.

Here's how to start:
1.  Click here: Remind
2.  Click on Teacher sign up
3.  You can sign in with Google, or enter your email, click "Continue Sign Up"
4.  Enter your name and create your password and click "Complete Sign Up"
5.  Create your first class by giving it a Name and clicking "Create Class"
6.  The next screen gives you information to share with parents/students so they can sign up.  You also have the option of a .pdf file to print and share, or send invites through email, or for the link.  I recommend making a QR code and sharing through your syllabus, at open house, on your business card, or through your other communications.
7.  From your Class, you can click on settings and change the class code.
8.  Add more classes by clicking on "+" next to "My Classes".  You can have up to 20!
9.  You can also select "Join A Class" if you want to follow someone else's reminders.

* When parents or students sign up, they are given the option to receive your reminders via text or email.

SENDING your reminders:
1.  Log in
2.  Type your message in the box (you can select more than 1 of your classes to receive your message)
3.  Click "Send".

This is such a great, user-friendly tool, and I know parents really appreciate it as well.  It keeps them informed and helps them support their children at home.  I love that this is one-direction communication, so the parents don't have access to my personal phone number.  I use it to send out homework daily (it really takes a few seconds!), test reminders, field trip reminders, and anything else I need them to know. 

I hope you'll try using Remind this year.  Please leave a comment if you try it out and let me know what you think!
Click here to begin:  Remind

Be hAPPy!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome Teachers!

I hope you enjoyed the presentation on BYOD and using technology in the classroom.  Please check my blog often as I plan on introducing, explaining and reviewing apps and other ways to implement technology into your lessons. 

Today's inservice introduced Poll Everywhere, Plickers, Nearpod, QR Codes and Google Forms.  You can view the Nearpod presentation again by going to their website and using the code GNIVD at any time.  These are the QR codes from our activity that we were going to use.  You can practice using your QR reader here!:


Every kid needs a champion
Combining Like Terms – Shmoop

We look forward to your questions and comments!

Debbie Spencer  x138150